Seeing as we're all on a lockdown of sorts (albeit by choice as of this moment) this is a time for some at home pampering if there ever was one! I love face masks but am always so weary of store-bought ones because when I flip over to the ingredient side it feels like I'm reading a chemistry book. While I get that some chemicals are very beneficial for the skin, I prefer the organic route when it comes to masks.
Here are four of my favorites - the best part is that you likely already have these ingredients in your pantry!

This is the first DIY mask I ever did and I am still obsessed with it three years later! It's actually on my agenda for later today and I cannot wait!
The process is super quick and easy, but make sure you do NOT leave this one on longer than 5 minutes because your skin will 100% stain yellow if you do. Especially if - like me - you're 50 shades of pale! I would also suggest a colored mixing dish because the turmeric will literally stain any light surface, so definitely rinse and wash whatever you are using right after. I usually wash up while my mask is setting.
1 teaspoon turmeric
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon flour
(if you prefer a thicker consistency add more flour)
Feels like: A thick cream - you shouldn't be experiencing tingling of any sort.
Smells like: Turmeric overload. Not gonna lie, this isn't my favorite scent but it's more than manageable - especially when you know the end result!
Time needed: Ten minutes total. About three to make, five to leave on, and two to rinse + clean up.
Benefits: This mask always leaves my skin feeling super soft and gives it a healthy, bright appearance! I love the glow it gives off and feel like it absorbs moisture so much better as well.
1. Mix together all ingredients in a bowl. The mixture should not be runny, it should have more of a fluffy consistency. If it's too runny add a little more flour. If it's too thick, add some more milk. Avoid adding more turmeric for thickening as you will literally turn your skin yellow and there's no fix for that one.
2. Apply mask to face.
3. Go on about your day for 3-6 minutes (you can spot check your first time so you know how long you can go in the future without fear of discoloration)
4. Rinse off slowly using a wash cloth and warm water. Voila!

Okay, I get that store-bought lip masks are all the rage lately but honestly, this is still my go-to whenever I know I'm wearing a matte lipstick and want to buff away any of those pesky dry spots or just in general as a weekly pick me up because... Chicago Winters wreck havoc on more than just our roads (and sanity). This is hands-down the simplest and quickest treatment ever!
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 tablespoon honey
*sugar can be brown or regular, whichever you prefer. I always use brown because I like the texture better.
*this is not just for a 1 time use, I keep it in a little jar so I can use it several times without having to mix each time)
Feels like: Sugar and honey on your lips! No other way to describe it, really.
Smells like: Candy! So yummy!
Time needed: Under five minutes.
Benefits: This is literally the fastest way to combat dry lips. It leaves them looking, smelling, and feeling ahhhmazing! (obviously not a good idea if your lips are cracked, please do not try this because it will likely not feel so.. amazing) You can also just lick it off when you're done - but if you're grossed out by eating your own dead skin (lol) you can also wash it off.
1. Mix 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1/2 tablespoon of honey together.
2. Apply desired amount to lips and, using your finger, buff around, really working it in to your lips.
*Optional, you can leave it on for a minute or two to let the honey sink in and then scrub once more before removing.

YOU WILL WANT TO EAT THIS! You probably could, to be fair.... This treatment is one that really depends on you skin type as not all skin can handle sugar on top of it. I avoid this one week before my period because my hormonal acne lights my chin up like a Christmas tree as is and I really don't feel like giving it a helping hand in plummeting my confidence because.... well, we're not friends.
When I am in the clear, however I love this scrub. It removes all the gunk that likes to build up throughout the day and scrubs away those pesky little blackheads! And it smells amazing. Ah-ma-zing. Like a blended coconut coffee.
After I mix it I use it as I would any scrub - if I need to really get in there (ex. after traveling) I'll use it in conjunction with a facial loofah but honestly it does the trick well enough on its own. Just massage it in circular motions giving a little extra love to your dry or problem areas, rinse, and reveal glowing and rejuvenated skin! As an added bonus, the caffeine in the coffee will also help wake you up, not just your skin!
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 tablespoon ground coffee
1 tablespoon coconut oil
Feels like: Heaven on your skin. Very fine and grainy!
Smells like: An iced coffee on a summer day. No, really.
Time needed: Ten minutes total.
Benefits: The scent of the coffee will wake you up, but its properties will also boost your skin! Someone who knows what they're talking about said;
Sugar body scrubs are great for exfoliating your skin, as they aid in keeping it healthy by removing dead skin cells, lifting away dirt and excess oil, as well as stimulating circulation. Glycolic acid occurs naturally in sugar, and is helpful for cleansing the skin and dissolving dead skin cells. It’s also a humectant and will not strip your skin of its precious natural oils.
Mix all three ingredients together. When you're ready to use the scrub, wash your skin (this can be for face and body!) with warm water and while it's still damp, scoop up as much of your natural scrub as you need and apply it by rubbing it in in a circular motion. I like to apply a little more pressure on my nose as it really smoothes out any dead skin and helps diminish the size of blackheads. Apparently this scrub is phenomenal for minimizing cellulite due to the caffeine but I haven't tried it so can't vouch for that bit! If anyone does, let me know -

This is one I tried most recently and I swear by it whenever the sky is gray and I'm feeling lethargic. The smell is not the best due to the apple cider vinegar but my skin feels phenomenal after so I will happily sit there smelling like a Balkan Salad for a few minutes.
Make sure you do not let this dry completely because it's nearly impossible to get it off unless you plan on being in a hot shower for 20ish minutes. I learned the hard way and trust me you do not want to go through that. I start removing mine when the cracks begin to appear and I do so by wetting a washcloth with warm water and slowly scrubbing it off in a circular motion. You can also peel it off which is definitely more satisfying!
Apple cider vinegar
Aztec Clay
Use equal parts of both. So if you're popping in 1 tablespoon of ACV, do the same with your clay. It should be a mask like consistency, nice and smooth - almost like palačinke (crepe) batter.
DO NOT USE METAL WITH THIS MIXTURE! Use glass or wood for the bowl and spatula. Plastic is ok too, but absolutely no metal.
Feels like: Clay.
Smells like: A balkan salad or the tramvaj at six pm on a hot summer day.
Time needed: Fifteen minutes. Three minutes for prep, three to seven for the mask to do its magic, four to five for clean up - it takes a while to get everything off because of the consistency.
Benefits: "ACV has antibacterial and antifungal properties and can help kill bacteria and yeast on the skin related to conditions like acne, and eczema". The clay also lifts all the gunk from your pores and leaves your skin smooth and supple.
There you have it! Four super simple and super quick DIY skin treatments you can do at home. I did the coffee scrub + lips scrub yesterday morning and am planning on doing the aztec clay today and the turmeric one tomorrow on my WFH lunch break!
In case you decide to make any of these in a larger quantity (which I suggest) I love these amazon glass containers! You get 30pcs for $19.99 - which is a great deal. Also, if you travel a lot this is going to be so useful because you won't have to lug around all your full sized potions and lotions in your checked bag.
Until next time, All my love (but from a distance)

*all images used in this post are stock images*